viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Mecano Hijo de la luna

This song has made of a group of music called MECANO they were a very famous group in Spain but they have had a trouble and they have separated the singer has a new group now but we don't know nothing about them.

This is one of their bests songs. The songs is sang of another group called STRAVAGANZZA I prefer this one.

The songs relate a story of a girl who wanted to marry with a man. She "told" to the moon that she want to marry with someone. The moon answered her that she'll find a man but the first son has to be like her...

Well, I don't want to tell you all the story so if you want to know all listen the song. The songs is in Spanish so if you are english and you don't know nothing of spanish, sorry becouse you won't understand anything.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Avril Lavigne When you're gone

This song is one of the bests songs I have ever listened. The name is When you're gone is a song which represents some persons who are in love but they can't stay together. There is an example:

Two persons are in love but the boyfriend has to go to the war and the girlfriend is too sad, she send lots of messages to him but he never anwered them. Finally when the war has finished they can stay together.

I think you'll like it.