miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Eternal flame

This song is made by the group called THE BANGLES. This song is a romantic song. I put it for all the persons who are in love. Here is your song:


viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Roses (Rosas)

This song is made by the group called LA OREJA DE VAN GOGH. I prefer the song which sings LODVG with Amaia Montero. This song is in the album "lo que te conte mientras te hacías la dormida".

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Dead memories

This song is made by the group called SLIPKNOT. The song was released as the third single from their fourth album All Hope Is Gone. The track was released on December 1, 2008. Here is the video:

I'll put more songs of them. If you don't like the heavy metal don't watch the video.

To the moon (A la luna):

This song is made by the group called EFECTO MARIPOSA. This group is spanish. This song is part of the album called "complejidad". Here is the song.

Thanks for watching and visit my blog.

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Red Flag

This song is made by the group called BILLY TALENT. The type of music they play is ROCK. They have lots of differents songs like red flag, fairytale, etc. You can watch them on youtube. I prefer this song more than the others. I suppose that you'll like it.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

This song is made by AMAIA MONTERO and TIZIANO FERRO. They are a very good singers. This is a song is in SPANISH. One of the singers is spanish and the other is italian. They sing together this song about what you can do to someone. If you see a sad person you can talk with he/she to know why is he/she sad and resolve it.

In the song the man gives a present to a child and the hild becomes happy but if you want to know how finish the "story" you 'll have to watch the video on youtube.